Electronic Data Interchange

Simplify managing your energy bills with Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). Compatible with numerous business financial applications, EDI enables you to receive and pay the electric and natural gas bills via an electronic exchange of secure transactions between your company and DTE Energy.

Program Highlights

Streamlined Billing

By reducing paperwork and printing, EDI requires less time and effort to manage your bill compared to traditional billing methods.

Supported Transaction Sets

We offer ANSI X12 industry standard 810 invoice (outbound) and 820 payment order/remittance advice transactions.

Greater Efficiency and Accuracy

Because EDI interfaces directly with your system, it offers faster bill processing that minimizes time-consuming mistakes.

Maximize Cash Flow

EDI allows you to have greater control over your bill payment, which can help optimize your financial operations.

Sign Up for the Electronic Data Interchange

To begin using EDI for paying and receiving your DTE Energy bills, contact your DTE Energy Account Manager today. You'll need to provide us with your company's EDI and contact information for payments (820).

After we evaluate and verify your EDI electronic payment and remittance information, we will set up exchange for test files (810) between your company and DTE Energy.

Once the test is complete, your company will start receiving billing information and making payments via EDI for accounts you designate. We will stop sending paper bills one month after your accounts are set up on EDI.