It can be difficult managing your monthly energy bills. We want to help get you back on track by enrolling you in our Shutoff Protection Plan.
This plan gives you the option to pay your past-due balance in smaller increments all while avoiding the cost and inconvenience of service interruption.
This plan is designed to combine your past-due balance and future energy charges in one monthly payment while protecting you from service disconnection.
At the time of enrollment, your past-due balance and average energy usage calculation are spread equally over the 12-month duration of the plan.
We will re-calculate your energy usage every three months and adjust for fluctuations. If your average energy usage is 5% higher or lower than our original calculation, we will adjust your monthly plan amount. This recalculation is purposeful to prevent you from having another past-due balance at the end of the program.
Our Shutoff Protection Plan is available for income-qualified customers and senior citizens throughout the year. Enrollment requires income verification and an initial down payment. The amount of the down payment will affect the monthly payment amount. Making a larger down payment will result in a lower monthly payment amount.
Customers seeking to enroll in our Shutoff Protection Plan will need to provide proof of income by submitting personal identification and income verifying documentation.
Documents are required for the DTE account holder and all household members.
1. Photo identification
Please provide one of these documents for each adult member of the household (18 years or older). Household members’ identification MUST match the DTE account address. A valid, color copy must be submitted.
2. Proof of household members
Please provide document copies for each household member.
Please note: If an adult household member does not have a Social Security card or a dependent does not have a birth certificate, please provide us with the DTE Account Holder’s most recent Tax Form 1040 (page 1 and 2) with all household members listed.
3. Proof of income
Please provide the applicable documents for each adult household member.
The following documents will NOT be accepted:
Please submit your proof of income and personal identification to us via our Document Submission Portal. Please allow 48 hours after submitting documentation for a Customer Service team member to respond.
If your income is at or below 150% of the federal poverty level, you may qualify for energy assistance. Prior to enrolling you in our Shutoff Protection Plan, we may ask you to seek State Emergency Relief to help reduce your arrears so your monthly plan amount will be more affordable.
Customers already enrolled in our Shutoff Protection Plan may be eligible for State Emergency Relief. Please contact MI Bridges to find out if you are eligible.