Premium Experience

Get the Premium Experience.

Did you know that around 20% of your energy bill costs come from devices that never turn off. When you upgrade to the Premium plan and connect the included Energy Bridge hub you can see how much energy your appliances are using in real time. You can also automate your routine with smart home control to create the perfect home for your needs.

Try Premium FREE for 6 months

Here’s how to upgrade: Use your account information to log into the DTE Insight app and go to the My Plan page in the menu. An Energy Bridge hub will be shipped to your home.

Get the Energy Bridge hub

The Energy Bridge hub is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities. The bridge has built-in technology that allows for future updates and home automation. You’ll be able to control and manage your home from a smartphone or tablet and interact with your home as if you’re there, even when you’re not.

Still Have the Old Energy Bridge?

The old version of the Energy Bridge will not work with the current version of the Insight app. Contact Customer Support to get an updated Energy Bridge through in-app chat, phone 313.450.9565 or email

Have questions? We have answers.

The older version of the app will no longer be supported after June 30, 2018. Download the latest app now to take advantage of the additional features and avoid losing your home’s usage data before the old app expires.

The latest Energy Bridge is equipped with Bluetooth and Wi-Fi capabilities. The new bridge has built-in technology which syncs with the new app features and allows for future updates. And soon, you’ll be able to manage smart devices and automate your home when you pair the DTE Insight app and Energy Bridge. These types of services can cost up to $400 per month alone